5 Popular Types of Websites to Consider

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5 Popular Types of Websites to Consider

A common response I get during web design consultations is, “I’m not really sure what kind of website I need…I just know that I need one. What are the most popular types of websites to consider?” Hence this is a valid question worthy to be explored.

If you’ve ever thought something similar to this, don’t worry – you’re not alone. The best type of website really depends on the intent of what you aim to achieve with it. Truth of the matter is that your needs may evolve over time, and that’s okay too. Ultimately a website is just another tool in your marketing mix to help you accomplish your business objectives.

Here are 5 popular types of websites (in no particular order) to consider to help you along your journey

1. Informational

When you just need a place for people to find out more about what you are doing an informational website may be a good fit for you. A use case for this type of website could be a non-profit organization that primarily wants to provide information to its visitors. For example, a shelter for the homeless may provide stats and updates on how it is impacting the community. Similarly a performing arts center may want to share information about upcoming events and activities.

The Woodruff Arts Center

2. Portfolio

Similar to an informational website a portfolio website intends to provide information but even more so. Its intent is to showcase your best work. Portfolio websites are a popular choice for creative professionals to make their best work available for people to see. For example, if you are a photographer, graphic artist, musician, or similar you could benefit from having a simple and engaging way to let people “see your work” by just pointing them to your website.

Cassie Wright Photography Portfolio

3. Professional

Professional websites are also about showcasing your abilities but in a less artsy way. Another way to think of professional websites is a bio. Okay, that may be oversimplifying it a bit but not by much. A good professional website will include a bio to indicate you and or your company’s successful track record and a description of your services. Let’s say you are an attorney, have a cleaning service, or other professional service. Here would be a great place to show off your credentials along with an outline of your specialties and how your approach is unique.

Dan Ahart & Associates, CPA

Peachtree City Pest Control

4. Blog

Have ideas to share? Blogs are a great way to organize and publicize your flowing ideas. Individuals and organizations alike setup blog sites to engage with their visitors. Interestingly, news sites are essentially blog websites as well. The latest and greatest updates are posted in an organized fashion. Then visitors are able to search for relevant content and in some cases respond with comments of their own depending on your settings. Professionals, individuals, and businesses alike use blogs to post their own news feeds…maybe not press but it’s still news.

Creative Live Blog – Choosing the Best DSLR for Beginners

5. eCommerce

Finally, there’s Ecommerce (or e-commerce, or e commerce). However you choose to spell it the main function is to conduct business online. This is also commonly known as internet sales, online transactions, and similar. It’s the transaction of money online for products and services that defines Ecommerce websites. Whether you are selling books, designs, or airline tickets an Ecommerce website is at the core.



Putting it all Together

You may be thinking to yourself, “I need functions from more than just one of these types of websites.” That’s good – you’re thinking about it the right way. The truth of the matter is that most websites today need to be able to do multiple things. This is where having good internet marketing consulting services such as those provided by Profit Now Solutions, LLC can help you win.

Are there other types of websites as well? Sure. There are Wiki sites, SAS (software as service), Job Boards, Business Directories, Online Communities (A.K.A. Social Media), Auction websites, and many more. At the end of the day, the semantics of what you want to call it is less important than its purpose.

Most entrepreneurs will be able to find a good fit among these 5 popular types of websites. The best type of website for you is the one that best helps you to accomplish your objectives. From there will determine your new website’s branding, function, and style.

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